3 Things To Know Before Decide To Wear Spectacles For Myopia,
For The Rest Of Your Life..
Are you really suffering from Myopia (short-sightedness) or some other serious eye problem?
Everybody knows that myopia is “an eye problem due to which you cannot see distant objects”. That is true. But there are many many other eye problems that also affect your distance vision. For e.g., Cataract, glaucoma, etc. It means that if you are unable to see distant objects, it may NOT always be myopia. It is Myopia (or short-sightedness) only if your eye problem is due to a refractive error. To confirm Myopia, we must first rule-out all ocular pathologies other than refractive error.
What is the numerical value of your vision (visual acuity)?
After you confirm refractive error, next step is to check your visual acuity. So, what exactly is visual acuity? It is a numerical measurement of your vision. There are different aspects of vision. Some of them are vision field, color vision, night vision, distant vision, near vision, etc. Among these, we measure Distant vision with a vision chart (or Snellen’s Chart). The basis of distant vision measurement is the number of lines on vision chart that you can read clearly. In the Indian system, we represent visual acuity as 6/18, 6/9, etc. (or as 20/40, 20/60, etc. in the western system.) Full vision is 6/6 in the Indian system (or 20/20 in the western system). Measure your vision in each eye separately. This measurement is Vision Without glass (Right Eye) and Vision Without Glass (Left Eye).
How much improvement are you getting with your spectacles?
After measuring your vision without spectacles, measure your corrected vision with spectacles. For E.g., Let’s consider a person having a Vision of 6/18 without spectacles (Both eyes). Let’s also assume that the power of his spectacles is -2 and he gets a vision of 6/9 after wearing his spectacles. Then, his Correction with spectacles is 6/9 and the power of his spectacles is -2.00. It means that this patient is NOT getting full correction.
Only if he had got 6/6 vision wearing his spectacles, we can say that he gets full correction with his spectacles.
Finally, are you suffering from Simple Myopia or Degenerative Myopia?
What is the difference between simple and degenerative myopia? If a patient is NOT getting full correction with ANY spectacles, his eye problem is NOT simple myopia. There is a serious ocular pathology for not getting the full correction. Understand that the problem is not corrected with spectacles. This condition is pathological myopia or degenerative myopia. Here, medicine and treatment are highly essential. Treatment of degenerative myopia needs more effort & care than that for simple myopia.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Doctor, I see dark moving small dots in front of my eyes. It started about one year back. I am using spectacles for short sight from the age of 10 years. Now, I am 20 years. Doctors have asked me to ignore it. But, gradually, the number of floaters is increasing. In bright light, it becomes more. Can they be removed by ayurvedic treatment?
In ayurveda, there are successful treatment methods for eye floaters. Before starting treatment, a detailed checkup is necessary. It is to rule out any other diseases such as retinal edema, retinal tear, inflammations, etc. If so, it should be controlled first. After that, treatment for floaters is very easy.
I am a diabetic patient and also suffering from diabetic retinopathy for the last 4 years. Now, I am 61 years old. I have already undergone laser treatment two times. Recently, I experienced dark moving dots and web like shadows in front of my eyes. My friend says he also has some eye floaters and need not take it seriously. Doctor, is it like that? But I want to remove it.
Floaters may appear as a senile symptom and need not worry about it. But, in your case, It is not like that. You said that you are diabetic and have retinopathy also. So, a detailed investigation becomes necessary. It is to rule out haemorrhages, fluid accumulations, leakages, etc. in the retina, and vitreous. These conditions may develop floaters in the eyes. After a differential diagnosis only, treatment should be started.
I am 25 years old computer engineer working 9 to 10 hours daily on my laptop. I am using glasses for astigmatism from 16 years of age. Now I see some floaters in front of my eyes. Is this a serious matter?
It is NOT a serious thing, but NOT normal. Since you are working on computer for up to 10 hours daily, your eyes are overloaded. So, it is better to do something to strengthen the eyes and to improve the functional capacity of the system. It itself may remove the floaters.
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