Pre and Post Menopausal Syndrome Ayurvedic Treatment
The difficulties experienced by women prior to and following menopause are termed as pre-menopausal and post-menopausal symptoms respectively. During pre-menopausal period, there may not be any symptoms of menopause- hot flashes, missed periods, sleep problems etc, but there are definitely certain hormonal changes in body (reduced estrogen production). Usually, the symptoms of pre-menopause are seen in perimenopause (around menopause). If a woman had been experiencing missed periods for more than 12 months, it is called post-menopausal period. The symptoms of post-menopause often start in perimenopausal period, and their severity reduces after menopause.
Pre and Post Menopausal Syndrome Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of pre-menopause which may seen during perimenopause are irregular periods, longer or shorter bleeding days, headache, insomnia, feeling of heartbeat, night sweats, vaginal dryness, tender breasts etc, and those of post-menopausal period are hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, weight gain, brain fog, lack of interest in sexual intercourse etc. Some rare symptoms are metallic taste in mouth, burning sensation of mouth and tongue, teeth problems etc.
Pre and Post Menopausal Syndrome Ayurvedic Analysis
Ayurveda says that a women’s menstrual period often stops by age 50. Rajas (menstruation/ menstrual blood) is a kind of pitta which is predominant during middle age (around 18-45). After period, pitta reduces and vata gets aggravated. As a result, during pre/ post-menopause, a woman experiences signs and symptoms of vitiated pitta and aggravated vata– such as dryness of vagina, hot flashes, night sweats, reduced sexual desire, mood changes etc. It’s a natural change in body, and hence support the transition phase of dosha (from pitta predominant to vata predominant) with medications and diet.
Pre and Post Menopausal Syndrome Causative Factors (Ayurveda)
Natural transition of body’s nature from a pitta predominant stage to vata predominant one is the reason for these symptoms. Pitta is responsible for menstruation, and during perimenopausal period vata take over the play.
Possible Complications of Pre and Post Menopausal Syndrome Disease
Usual complications of pre-menopausal symptoms are vaginal or urinary tract infections, reduced sexual desire, urinary incontinence etc.
Other systemic diseases and precautions to be taken
Consider other conditions like diabetes, hypertension, thyroid dysfunctions, tumours etc before planning treatment.
Pre and Post Menopausal Syndrome Disease Management with Ayurveda Treatment
Symptomatic management is provided in pre- and post-menopausal symptoms. Internal medications that can normalise pitta and reduce the aggravation of vata can be given along with virechana (purgation), nasya (nasal drops), lepana (external application of drugs), talam (application of suitable medicine over scalp) etc. In order to manage the mental distress, yoga, meditation, pranayama and psychotherapy are also provided.
During this phase, the diet of women must contain more citrus fruits, fruit juices, milk, raggi, oats, nuts etc. Avoid excess intake of spicy, dry, hot food. Drink plenty of water.
Mild to moderate exercise is recommended to perform during this period. Yoga is another useful technique to achieve mental as well as physical wellbeing.
Pre and Post Menopausal Syndrome Preventive Aspects in Ayurveda
It cannot be prevented much, but having healthy food containing more citrus fruits, milk, nuts, millets etc help a lot. Exercise regularly. Ensure adequate sleep. Drink enough water.
Importance of Diet
The diet must be capable enough to balance the tridosha. Certain food items such as pickles, alcohol etc can worsen the symptoms. Follow the guidelines of physician prior to choosing the right food.
Avoid stress/ anxiety. Exercise regularly. Eat healthy food. Ensure adequate sleep. Drink plenty of water. Avoid over-exertion and sedentary habit. Maintain healthy body weight.
How to get ayurvedic treatment from Matha
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Medical Questionnaire
Fill up the medical questionnaire that we send to you.
Consult our Chief Physician at the time slot we schedule for you.
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Our Hospitals
Matha has three hospitals in Trivandrum. You can opt for any one of our hospitals, rooms will be provided based on availability.
Our Hospitals
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre
Near Civil Station, Jayaprakash Ln, Kudappanakunnu, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695043
Reception: 04712731352
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre
Eye Hospital Road (Moongode - Meppukada Road), Moongode P O Near, Thachottukavu, Kerala 695573
Reception: 9562997799
OP Timings
9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Appointment only
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