Bloating Ayurvedic Treatment
Bloating means the distention of abdomen with discomfort and fullness often associated with intake of certain food items (eg: high fibre diet, carbonated drinks) and medicines, and eating habits (eg: eating too fast, eating too much). Food sensitivity or allergy is another cause of bloating. Some people experience bloating at afternoon and night, where others have this problem on a whole day. Bloating is usually caused by constipation, excess growth of bacteria in small intestine, increased sensitivity of intestine (eg: IBS), paralysis of muscles in abdomen (gastroparesis), gynaecological disorders like fibroid uterus/ PCOS etc. The relieving time of discomforts depends on the cause of bloating.
Bloating Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of bloating are distended abdomen, feeling of abdominal fullness, discomfort in abdomen, gas trouble etc.
Bloating Ayurvedic Analysis
Adhmana (distention of lower abdomen), anaha (distention of upper abdomen) and udavartha (upward movement of gas causing pressure feeling in waist, hip and abdomen) are the conditions characterised by abdominal bloating in Ayurveda.
Adhmana is caused by excess intake of food having kashaya rasa (astringent taste); malavruddhi (increased quantity of waste material in intestine); agnimandya; vishanna in amashaya (toxic/ poisonous food in stomach); indigestion due to aggravated vata (vishtabdha); disease conditions like gulma, arshas, premonitory symptoms of diseases like atisara (diarrhoeal disorders), urinary disorders, vruddhi (enlargement of visceral organs), jalodara (liver cirrhosis) etc.
Anaha is characterised by rumbling sounds from abdomen, bloating, pain in abdomen etc and is often occurs due to diseases like gulma, pleeha roga (spleen disorders) etc. Udavartha is mainly seen in gynaecological disorders.
Bloating Causative Factors (Ayurveda)
In all these conditions, agni is weakened. Its causes are intake of heavy food, increased quantity of food, taking food before proper digestion of the previous one, consumption of viruddha ahara (incompatible food)/ asatmya ahara (unaccustomed food)/ ashuchi bhojana (unhygienic food), certain diseases like arsha etc. Vata is the major dosha involved in Adhmana, anaha and udavartha and it usually occurs afternoon and night.
Possible Complications of Bloating Disease
Long term/ untreated bloating may lead to problem with physical appearance, low self-esteem, intestinal disorders etc.
Other systemic diseases and precautions to be taken
Rule out other health conditions (like IBS, chronic constipation, Celiac disease, Gynaecological disorders) that cause bloating before planning treatment.
Bloating Disease Management with Ayurveda Treatment
The management of bloating include efforts to improve agni and normalise vata along with treatment of associated diseases. Internal medications (kashaya, churna, gutika, arishta etc) that produce deepana (improve digestive power), pachana (enhance transformation of process of food and dhatu) and vata anulomana (normal movement of vata) are given. Procedures like snehana (internal/ external/ both), swedana (eg: steam bath), virechana (purgation therapy), vasthi (enema with suitable medicine) etc are administered.
Identify the triggering foods and drinks and then avoid them gradually. Then, after treatment or resolving the difficulties, slowly re-introduce them to diet. Avoid the consumption of bitter/ astringent tastes, heavy to digest food, wheat, rye, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, sprouted pulses, mushroom, milk, dairy products, alcohol, carbonated drinks etc. Include more rice, oats, cornflour, beans, carrot, cucumber, tomato, ginger, potato, orange, grapes, banana, kiwi, coconut milk, black tea/ green tea/ black coffee/ juices etc.
Indulge in mild to moderate exercise that produce massaging effect over abdomen. Yoga, pranayama and meditation are also effective.
Bloating Preventive Aspects in Ayurveda
Take food only after having hunger. Avoid heavy to digest food, filling stomach with food, frequent and fast eating, swallowing food without chewing properly, late night dinner, sedentary habit etc. Drink adequate amount of water. Limit the intake of alcohol.
Importance of Diet
Diet plays an important role in the management and prevention of bloating as it is often associated with certain food items and eating habits. Know the triggering food and drinks, and avoid them. Include soothing food items in the diet. Follow the instructions of physician for a better diet plan.
Eat healthy food that won’t trigger the symptoms. Chew the food thoroughly before swallowing. Do not eat large quantity of food and avoid fast eating. Exercise regularly. Drink hot water after having food. Lay on left flank after half to one hour of having food at night.
How to get ayurvedic treatment from Matha
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Our Hospitals
Matha has three hospitals in Trivandrum. You can opt for any one of our hospitals, rooms will be provided based on availability.
Our Hospitals
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre
Near Civil Station, Jayaprakash Ln, Kudappanakunnu, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695043
Reception: 04712731352
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre
Eye Hospital Road (Moongode - Meppukada Road), Moongode P O Near, Thachottukavu, Kerala 695573
Reception: 9562997799
OP Timings
9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Appointment only
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