Constipation Ayurvedic Treatment
Difficulty or inability to pass the stools for some days (is termed as constipation, and when it continues for several weeks or more it is serious (chronic constipation). The people with constipation may pass stools in 2-3 times a week. Occasional constipation usually relieves within some time or days with or without medicines. Chronic cases will interfere with daily activities and mood. Common causes of chronic constipation are blockage in intestine, narrowing of large intestine, fissure-in-ano, rectocele (bulged rectum at the back wall of vagina), abdominal or rectal cancer, damage of nerves that helps in movements of intestinal muscles, spinal cord injury, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, weakness of muscles that involved in defecation, conditions like diabetes, hypo or hyperthyroidism etc.
Constipation Signs and Symptoms
The common symptoms of chronic constipation are passing less than 3 stools per week, poor bowel movements, hard stools, straining to pass stool, feeling of incomplete voiding or blockage in rectum and trying to pass tools wit manual effort (like pressing belly, inserting finger in rectum etc). chronic constipation is diagnosed if the person has 2 or 3 of these symptoms for more than 3 months.
Constipation Ayurvedic Analysis
Malasanga is the difficulty to pass stools or blocked rectum. Expulsion/ evacuation of any matter is the action of normal vata. Before the expulsion of waste materials (mala), they are supposed to be transformed from ama state (half processed) to nirama/ without ama state. In ama state, they are not ready for evacuation. These waste materials are losing their ama state by the action of agni (transforming power). When the vata is deranged, it causes blockage of channels (srotorodha) and non-expulsion of mala from body. Mala in ama state will cause srotorodha (here, blocked rectum), balabhramsha (weakness), gourava (heaviness in abdomen/ body), deranged activity of vata (here, reduced bowel movements/ evacuation), alasya (sluggishness), apakti (indigestion), nishteeva (excess salivation), malasanga (constipation) and aruchi (tastelessness/ loss of appetite). Malasanga may be a symptom of udara roga (diseases of intestine/ abdominal organs) also.
Constipation Causative Factors (Ayurveda)
The common causes of malasanga are vitiation of vata, ama in mala (due to agnimandya) and udara roga. Vata is vitiated by intake of dry, hot, spicy food/ very small quantity of food, travelling a lot, sitting for prolonged periods etc. Agnimandya occurs due to skipping of meals, indigestion, unaccustomed food, very cold/ heavy food/ very dry food, change of geographical location or season, or suppression of urge for stool for long periods.
Possible Complications of Constipation Disease
Major complications of chronic constipation are anal fissure, haemorrhoids, faecal impaction and rectal prolapse.
Other systemic diseases and precautions to be taken
Consider the medical history (eg: medicine for hypertension, mental stress etc) and health conditions like psychologic disorders before planning the treatment.
Constipation Disease Management with Ayurveda Treatment
The management of malasanga is determined based on the cause. Internal medications that bring about vatanulomana (normal functioning of vata), agnideepana (improve the power of digestion) and removing ama are given. Along with this, snehana (internal/ external/ both), swedana (eg: steam bath, hip bath), virechana (purgation therapy), vasthi (enema with decoction and medicated oil) etc are also provided. The treatment may vary depending on the cause of malasanga.
Take more whole grains, vegetables, fruits; and drink plenty of water. Avoid intake of spicy food, very cold food etc.
Mild to moderate exercise giving a massaging effect on abdomen are beneficial. Yoga is also effective.
Constipation Preventive Aspects in Ayurveda
Stick on to a regular bowel habit. Drink one glass of plain water in empty stomach at morning. Indulge in regular exercise. Take more fibre containing diet (cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits) and plenty of water. Avoid sedentary habit, consumption of very spicy and cold food. Avoid suppression of urge for defecation for long periods continuously.
Importance of Diet
Selection of right diet is very important in the prevention and management of constipation. Follow the instructions of physician.
Take easy to digest light warm food with less spices. Drink adequate water. Exercise regularly. Manage any disease that causes constipation.
How to get ayurvedic treatment from Matha
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Consult our Chief Physician at the time slot we schedule for you.
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Our Hospitals
Matha has three hospitals in Trivandrum. You can opt for any one of our hospitals, rooms will be provided based on availability.
Our Hospitals
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre
Near Civil Station, Jayaprakash Ln, Kudappanakunnu, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695043
Reception: 04712731352
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre
Eye Hospital Road (Moongode - Meppukada Road), Moongode P O Near, Thachottukavu, Kerala 695573
Reception: 9562997799
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9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Appointment only
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