Allergies in Children Ayurvedic Treatment

Allergy is a common phenomenon in children. Common allergies affecting children are asthma, skin problems, food allergies, allergic rhinitis (running nose) etc. These are caused by problems with immune system. Normally, the immune system attacks harmful invaders such as viruses or bacteria, but sometimes harmless things like dust, pollen, food items etc are misinterpreted by the immune system as dangerous ones and starts immune response. It causes allergic reactions. 

Allergies in Children Signs and Symptoms

Usually, the signs and symptoms of allergic reactions may manifest over body parts like skin, lungs, stomach, nose, eyes, etc, because the cells of immune system are mostly seen at these areas. common features of allergy are running nose, sneezing, fever, skin rashes, itching in ears and root of mouth, stuffy nose, redness/ itching/ watering from eyes, red itchy skin, breathing difficulty, wheezing, cough, etc. A more serious condition called anaphylaxis, is characterised by vomiting, diarrhoea, low blood pressure, fainting or even death. 

Allergies in Children Ayurvedic Analysis

When a foreign body enters the human body, it causes aggravation of pitta, rakta and kapha with deranged vata as a part of fighting against the invader (vyadhikshamatwa). It leads to symptoms like pratishyaya (rhinitis), kshavathu (sneezing), kasa (cough), swasa (breathing difficulty), jwara (fever), sphota (skin eruptions), raga (redness of skin/ eye), asru (watering from eyes), kandu (itching) etc. This foreign matter is considered as ‘ama’ in Ayurveda which causes agnimandya (indigestion), atisara (diarrhoea), chardi (vomiting) etc. 

Allergies in Children Causative Factors (Ayurveda)

As per Ayurveda, the vyadhikshamatwa of every individual is different, therefor even harmless substances (even food) cause unwanted responses in some people. It may be due to beejaswabhava (genetic factors) or prakrti (body constitution). Children are prone to infections and diseases as they have very poor vyadhikshamatwa. Any foreign substance entered in body becomes ama by the effect of deranged agni (transforming power in body). This ama need to be expelled out at any cost- for this body makes some efforts like sneezing, cough, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc but all these efforts are failed due to weak vyadhikshamatwa

Possible Complications of Allergies in Children

Anaphylaxis is the major complication of allergic reactions. Recurrent allergies make the child anxious about the environment. 

Other systemic diseases and precautions to be taken

Consider other health conditions like anaemia, immunosuppression etc before planning treatment. 

Allergies in Children Disease Management with Ayurveda Treatment

The management is focused on balancing the tridosha, improving vyadhikshamatwa and agni, removing ama, as well as arresting the symptoms. Internal medications are enough in most cases. In more serious conditions, or children with recurrent allergies procedures like swedana (eg: nadi sweda), virechana (purgation therapy), vamana (emetic therapy), nasya (nasal instillation of medicine) etc are provided. 


The diet of the child must be easy to digest semi-solid or liquid form. Avoid the triggering food items. 


Avoid exercise during the attack. During healthy phase, mild to moderate exercises can be done as per the guidance of physician. 

Allergies in Children Preventive Aspects in Ayurveda

This condition is not preventable but some tips will help- know the triggering factors and avoid them, exercise regularly, use protective measures while exposing to potential allergens, maintain personal hygiene, and practice nasya, dhoomapana (medicinal fumigation) and gandusha (gargling) with suitable medicine as per the instructions of physician. 

Importance of Diet

Diet can improve the vyadhikshamatwa if chosen wisely. Identify the triggering food items if any and avoid them. If the allergy is not for food articles, follow a healthy diet plan including all the food groups (cereals, pulses, vegetables, nuts, fruits, poultry, etc). this will help improving vyadhikshamatwa


  • Take adequate rest.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Avoid heavy to digest, spicy, oily food.
  • Stay away from potential allergens. 
  • Exercise regularly. Practice yoga, pranayama and meditation. 
  • Maintain personal hygiene.

How to get ayurvedic treatment from Matha


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Our Hospitals

Matha has three hospitals in Trivandrum. You can opt for any one of our hospitals, rooms will be provided based on availability.

Our Hospitals

Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre

Near Civil Station, Jayaprakash Ln, Kudappanakunnu, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695043

Reception: 04712731352

Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre

Eye Hospital Road (Moongode - Meppukada Road), Moongode P O Near, Thachottukavu, Kerala 695573

Reception: 9562997799

Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital - Eighteenth Stone

Near Tholicode, Trivandrum, 695541

Phone: 9847057575




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