Anxiety Relief Ayurvedic Treatment
The intense, excessive, uncontrollable and continuous worrying (anxiety) and fear about everyday activities is called anxiety disorder. Episodes of panic attacks are common for people with anxiety disorder. Varieties of anxiety disorder include generalised anxiety disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder etc. Most of the time, the person suffers from more than one type of anxiety disorder.
Anxiety Signs and Symptoms
The common symptoms are excessive tension, nervousness, feeling of danger, restlessness, increased heartbeat and breathing, more sweat, feeling weak, trembling, difficulty to control the worries, avoiding the circumstances that make them anxious, sleeping problems, lack of concentration and stomach issues (eg: acidity, loose motion). The specific symptoms of different varieties of anxiety disorder include:
Generalised anxiety disorder- continuous and excessive worrying about routine things; and it is very difficult to control.
Social anxiety disorder- avoiding social situations, excessively conscious about self, over-concerned about being judged etc.
Panic disorder- repeated episodes of sudden, intense fear and anxiety that reaches the peak within minutes (panic attacks), rapid heartbeat and breathing, chest pain etc.
Selective mutism- children constantly fail to speak in certain situations (eg: school) despite of being social in other situations.
Separation anxiety- child getting anxious while being separated from parents or other close relatives.
Anxiety Ayurvedic Analysis
When manodosha (basic humors of mind) rajas and tamas got vitiated and they affect manovaha srotas (the channels of nourishment to the psyche), Chittodwega (mental agitation) occurs. It causes excessive anxiety, thoughts, fear, sadness etc and interferes with day-to-day activities. The Tridosha (bodily humors) also get vitiated and they produce bhaya (fear), shoka (sadness), dainya (weakness), smrti bhramsha (problems with memory), anavasthita chittatwa (flickering of mind), aswapna (sleeplessness), heaviness in chest, breathing difficulty etc.
Anxiety Causative Factors (Ayurveda)
The manodosha- rajas and tamas are vitiated by viruddha ahara (incompatible food), dushtanna (staled food) etc, non-suppression of feelings like anger, sadness, jealousy etc and sometimes due to trauma (mental as well as physical).
Possible Complications of Anxiety Disease
Untreated or chronic anxiety disorder may lead to depression, insomnia (lack of sleep), problems with digestion, substance abuse, problems with education and work, social isolation, constant headache or suicidal tendency.
Other systemic diseases and precautions to be taken
Consider any relevant medical history that will trigger anxiety (eg: anti-diabetics, heart diseases etc). Check whether there was any mental trauma, family history of mental disorder etc.
Anxiety Disease Management with Ayurveda Treatment
The management is based on the principles of ‘yuktivyapasraya chikilsa’ (with medicines and procedures) along with ‘satwavajaya chikilsa’ (psychotherapy). Remove the blocks in manovaha srotas using appropriate medicines and procedures- snehana (internal and/ or external), swedana (eg: steam bath), nasya (nasal instillation of medicine), vamana (emetic therapy) and vasthi (with decoction and oil), along with Psychotherapy.
Avoid the intake of more spicy/ cold/ incompatible/ dry/ stale food. Include more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, milk etc in diet.
Indulge in regular exercise as per the guidance of physician. Yoga and meditation are also beneficial.
Anxiety Preventive Aspects in Ayurveda
Eat healthy nutritious diet. Exercise regularly. Share your good and bad feelings with those who are trustworthy. Maintain healthy relationships with others. Meditate more. Do not hesitate to seek the advice of a psychologist if needed.
Importance of Diet
Diet plays an important role in the vitiation of rajas and tamas. Avoid incompatible foods, stale food, mixing cold and hot food together, excess intake of curd etc.
Take control over your emotions. Exercise regularly. Read and meditate more. Mingle with loyal people. Avoid coffee and tea, limit the intake of alcohol and drink more water.
How to get ayurvedic treatment from Matha
Contact us
Tell us your health concern via contact form, email, or phone
Medical Questionnaire
Fill up the medical questionnaire that we send to you.
Consult our Chief Physician at the time slot we schedule for you.
Matha Consultation Request Form
For URGENT ADMISSION, kindly click on the link below and we will process your case on priority. If you encounter any difficulties with the form please contact us at +91 86064 82494 (available from 9 AM to 6 PM Indian time) for assistance.
Our Hospitals
Matha has three hospitals in Trivandrum. You can opt for any one of our hospitals, rooms will be provided based on availability.
Our Hospitals
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre
Near Civil Station, Jayaprakash Ln, Kudappanakunnu, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695043
Reception: 04712731352
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre
Eye Hospital Road (Moongode - Meppukada Road), Moongode P O Near, Thachottukavu, Kerala 695573
Reception: 9562997799
OP Timings
9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Appointment only
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