Optic Atrophy Ayurvedic Treatment

In Optic Atrophy, vision will be seriously affected and is capable of developing blindness. So, early diagnosis and immediate treatment are necessary to prevent vision loss.

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Optic Atrophy (also called Optic Nerve Atrophy) Ayurvedic Treatment At Matha

Optic Atrophy (also called Optic Nerve Atrophy) is a clinical condition where the optic nerve cells deteriorate. The optic nerve is one of the cranial nerves starting from the brain. The optic nerve begins as a bundle of nerve fibres from the brain and ends in the retina of the eyeball as nerve endings.

There are no branches to the optic nerve. The nerve impulse formed inside the eyeball on the retina gets carried to the brain through this nerve. After this nerve impulse reaches your brain, it changes to the actual visual sense. Any defect in this nerve will affect the conduction of visual impulses to your brain. Hence, the formation of a sense of vision becomes impossible. Thus, the main symptom of optic atrophy is defective vision.

In optic atrophy, the pathological change is a deterioration of nerve cells. This deterioration may happen due to various reasons. Mainly, there are two groups :

  • Primary optic atrophy
  • Secondary optic atrophy

In primary optic atrophy, the pathology starts in the optic nerve itself. In secondary optic atrophy, the damage develops secondary to any other diseases. It may be

  • systemic disease such as diabetes mellitus, cardiac problems, hypertension, etc.
  • diseases of neighboring structures such as ear, PNS (Paranasal sinuses), etc
  • other ocular diseases like glaucoma, papilledema, optic neuritis, retinitis pigmentosa, etc.

Optic atrophy is a disease affecting the optic nerve, which is the second of the 12 cranial nerves. Originating from the brain, it terminates within the eyeball. The primary function of the optic nerve is to transmit images or impulses from inside the eyeball to the brain, making it crucial for vision. Any disease directly impacting this nerve results in visual impairment.

The optic nerve, unlike other cranial nerve branches, is a bundle of nerves without further divisions. It starts from the brain and ends in the eyeball, with no branches supplying other structures. Therefore, any disease affecting this nerve directly affects vision. Optic atrophy can manifest as primary or secondary. Primary optic atrophy originates from the optic nerve itself, leading to severe vision loss and defects. Secondary optic atrophy develops as a complication of other diseases affecting nearby structures, the central nervous system, sinusitis, or nutritional deficiencies.

In Ayurveda, treating optic atrophy involves focusing on making existing cells healthier rather than regenerating nerve cells, which is nearly impossible. Resin drugs, which maintain the balance of the body’s doshas, are used. These drugs should have properties to act on ocular tissues (chakrusha) and maintain doshic balance (resina and semen). Treatment must differentiate between primary and secondary optic atrophy. For primary atrophy, focus solely on treating the optic nerve, while for secondary atrophy, address both the underlying disease and optic atrophy.

Treatment should not be limited to the eye but also include procedures targeting the brain stem. Ayurvedic treatments like shirodhara act effectively on the brain stem. Additionally, oral medications and ophthalmic medications are used together for optimal results. Lifestyle modifications, such as dietary adjustments and activities promoting central nervous system health, can also aid in managing optic atrophy.

However, it’s crucial to seek guidance from experts to tailor treatments to individual constitutions and disease stages. Proper selection of dietary items and activities suitable for the patient’s body constitution and disease condition is essential for effective management.

Systematic ayurvedic cure for Optic Atrophy (Optic Nerve Atrophy)

A systematic Ayurvedic line of treatment will focus on Vata vitiation. Vatasamana and Rasayana medicines and treatment procedures are advisable. For this, there are highly beneficial methods in Ayurveda. Treatments like Sirovasthi, Nasyam, Thalam, etc., can act upon Prana Vayu. But, the medicine should be highly selective.

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Ayurvedic Theory on the treatment of Optic Atrophy

Ayurvedic Treatment for Optic Atrophy - infographics

According to Ayurvedic theory, Vata is the predominant vitiated dosha in Optic Atrophy. Vata dosha itself has five fractions. Among these five fractions of Vata, Prana Vayu is the most important one in optic atrophy.

Prana Vayu is the fraction of Vata that acts in the head region and the sense organs. So, the factors that vitiate Pranavayu will first reach the Sira Srothas (head region ). Then, its impact will be there in the eye also. Vata is the factor that activates the other two factors – Pitta and Kapha. So, the other two doshas’ functions will also be affected if Vata gets vitiated. Thus, the symptoms become severe.

In Optic Atrophy, vision will be seriously affected and is capable of developing blindness. So, early diagnosis and immediate treatment are necessary to prevent vision loss.

A systematic Ayurvedic line of treatment will focus on Vata vitiation. Vatasamana and Rasayana medicines and treatment procedures are advisable. For this, there are highly beneficial methods in Ayurveda. Treatments like Sirovasthi, Nasyam, Thalam, etc., can act upon Prana Vayu. But, the medicine should be highly selective. It should satisfy the following properties :

  • It should act upon Prana Vayu
  • It should be chakshushya (have the site of action in the ophthalmic tissues)
  • It should have rasayana propoerties (keep the balance of dhatus – There are 7 dhatus namely Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medas Asthi, Majja, Suklam )
  • It should be Vata Samana in its action

These are applicable for both medicines and procedures.

Dietary factors also have an essential role in the Ayurvedic management of Optic Atrophy. Food items having Vata samana properties are to be added to the diet. Milk, ghee, fresh fruits, antioxidants, vitamins etc., are recommended. Various medicated ghee preparations are suitable for Vata Samana, such as Brahmi grith, Jeevanthyadi Grithm, etc.

Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for Optic Atrophy.

Medicines for Optic Atrophy also follow the ayurvedic principles. Various medicated ghee preparations are suitable for Vata Samana, such as Brahmi grithm, Jeevanthyadi Grithm etc.

Hot and spicy food items and deep-fried food items can vitiate Vata. So, these are to be avoided. The deficiency of vitamins, antioxidants, etc., will vitiate Vata.

Over physical exertion, strain with eyes, lack of sleep during the night, excessive stress and tension, excessive travel and exposure to wind etc, also are capable of vitiating Prana Vayu. These are to be controlled.

If the case is handled in time by and expert hand, Optic Atrophy can be managed safely, and vision can be protected by Ayurvedic treatments.

Other ocular diseases such as glaucoma, papilledema, Retinitis pigmentosa, etc., may lead to optic atrophy.

How to get ayurvedic treatment for Optic Atrophy from Matha


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Frequently Asked Questions 

I have been a patient with glaucoma for the last seven years. I am using eye drops as medicine. IOP (eye pressure) is within normal limits. But, vision is not getting improved. Instead, it is decreasing gradually. Now, the doctor says that there is optic atrophy. What is it?

It is secondary optic atrophy, and it is the impact of pressure on optic nerves. Here, the nerve cells are getting deteriorated. By careful, systematic ayurvedic management, vision can be protected.

I am 25 years old, and I have been using spectacles for the last 10 years. Now, even with glasses, my vision is not getting corrected. The doctor has diagnosed Optic Atrophy, and there is no treatment. Can Ayurveda help me?

It may be primary optic atrophy, most probably congenital. A complete cure is not an easy task. But, very scientific and systematic management can help you to some extent. Long-term treatment will be necessary to protect your vision.

I am 65 years diabetic patient, and my eye was affected by fluid accumulation in the retina. It was managed by various methods. Recently my doctors said that I have optic atrophy as a complication. Can it be corrected?

It may be secondary optic atrophy due to papilledema. Treatment should be done very carefully. If NOT chronic, vision can be protected by ayurvedic methods.

"The treatment and facilities provided are best.The staff and doctors are very good . A good atmosphere is the best thing I found here. Dr P K santhakumari madam is best and caring . The way she approaches the patient is excellent ."

Hamna Arshad


“Really great treatment and calming surrounding for patients.Dr.Santha kumari Mam ,Dr. Athira,Dr.Heera and therapists Dhanya Chechi ,Suma Chechi and Sreekala chechi were absolutely appreciated for their support and care.Highly recommended ."

Navamy Nair


Our Hospitals

Matha has three hospitals in Trivandrum. You can opt for any one of our hospitals, rooms will be provided based on availability.

Our Hospitals

Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre

Near Civil Station, Jayaprakash Ln, Kudappanakunnu, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695043

Reception: 04712731352

Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma Centre

Eye Hospital Road (Moongode - Meppukada Road), Moongode P O Near, Thachottukavu, Kerala 695573

Reception: 9562997799

Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital - Eighteenth Stone

Near Tholicode, Trivandrum, 695541

Phone: 9847057575




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